Inshallah by Frenkie
"Inshallah" is Bosnian song released on 19 May 2023 in the official channel of the record label - "FMJAM". Discover exclusive information about "Inshallah". Explore Inshallah lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Bosnian song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Inshallah " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Bosnia and Herzegovina Music Chart , Top 40 Bosnian Songs Chart, and more.
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"Inshallah" Facts
"Inshallah" has reached
120.3K total views,
and dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 4 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Inshallah" is "FRENKIE - INSHALLAH (OFFICIAL VIDEO)".
"Inshallah" has been published on Youtube at 19/05/2023 11:47:56
"Inshallah" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
#frenkie #inshallah
Lyrics: Adnan Hamidović Frenkie
Production: Marko Gaćina Brain Holidays
Back vocals: Tina & Marko Brain Holidays
Directed by: Adnan Avdic
Light & Gaffer: Jasenko Jeremic Reca
Screenplay by: Adnan Hamidovic
Camera and edit: Adnan Avdic
Photographer: Amar Socic
In the main role: Ikardi the dog ????
Specijalno hvala Damir Vasta` i Damir ribar za koristenje kolibe na jezru i rekvizita.
Kako će biti sutra ti i ja ne znamo
Možda će biti sunčano a možda oblačno
Jedni kažu lijepo drugi kažu opasno
Al niko ne zna zasigurno i za konačno
Plovimo kroz prostor poput malih oblaka
I niko ne zna koliko još ima koraka
Vara nas osjećaj iz stomaka
Vremena čudna, vremena su opaka
Ja sam list koji nosi divlja rijeka
I ne znam šta me iza ugla čeka
Iznenađenja, milion karafeka
Al Inshallah biće priča lijepa
Biće ne, biće da, biće Inshallah
Biće ne, biće da, biće Inshallah
Kako će biti sutra meni je nepoznato
Siromašno ili bogato
Možda volim nešto a zlo je za me zapravo
A neko zlo mi bude dobro i obratno
Neka me vodi neka nosi samo spontano
Ima neki kompas pa i kad ne kontamo
Ispustio sam volan iz ruku i to odavno
Biće sve u dure Inshallah okano
Biće ne, biće da, biće Inshallah
Biće ne, biće da, biće Inshallah