Ameaça by Mc Danny , Paulo Pires
"Ameaça" is Brazilian song released on 09 October 2021 in the official channel of the record label - "Paulo Pires". Discover exclusive information about "Ameaça". Explore Ameaça lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Brazilian song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Ameaça " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Brazil Music Chart , Top 40 Brazilian Songs Chart, and more.[Edit Photo]
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"Ameaça" Facts
"Ameaça" has reached
246M total views,
and 0 dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 68 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Ameaça" is "PAULO PIRES, MC DANNY, MARCYNHO SENSAÇÃO - AMEAÇA (VIDEOCLIPE OFICIAL)".
"Ameaça" has been published on Youtube at 08/10/2021 23:57:29
"Ameaça" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
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Ficha técnica (Áudio)
Interprete: Paulo Pires, MC Danny e Marcynho Sensação
Compositores: Guilherme Ferraz, Everton Matos, Diego Ferrari, Paulo Pires, Ray Antônio, Leo Sagga.
Produção Musical: Felipe Beats, Guilherme Ferraz
Produção Executiva: Best Produções Artísticas e Love Funk