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"Minha Flor" has reached
9M total views,
and 0 dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Minha Flor" is "PACIFICADORES & PAULO PIRES - MINHA FLOR (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)".
"Minha Flor" has been published on Youtube at 13/12/2021 18:44:08
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Siga: @best_oficial @pacificadores
Ficha técnica:
Composição: Paulo Pires, Neguim, Misael, Éverton Matos, Diego Ferrari, Guilherme Ferraz, Ray Antonio e Léo
Produção musical: Guilherme Ferraz e Wery no Beat
Mix e master: Neguim
Produção Executiva: Eduardo “Best Produções”