Hubavica by Azis , Galena , Donika
"Hubavica" is Bulgarian song released on 11 July 2024 in the official channel of the record label - "Donika Мusic". Discover exclusive information about "Hubavica". Explore Hubavica lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Bulgarian song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Hubavica " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Bulgaria Music Chart , Top 40 Bulgarian Songs Chart, and more.
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"Hubavica" Facts
"Hubavica" has reached
5.6M total views,
and dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 30 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Hubavica" is "DONIKA X AZIS X GALENA - HUBAVICA | ДОНИКА Х АЗИС Х ГАЛЕНА - ХУБАВИЦА".
"Hubavica" has been published on Youtube at 11/07/2024 18:03:14
"Hubavica" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
Digital Distributed by Silvernoise / KVZ Music
All rights reserved
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Хубави-ца и умни-ца и тигри-ца, полудех!
И крали-ца и мръсни-ца и лиси-ца, полудех! (х2)
Снощи бях на дискотека, разбих ги всички на кючека
мъже,жени момичета, момчета полудеха, по мене полудеха.
Верно всички полудеха, какво им правиш ти на тез момчета?
За теб хвърчаха сто моета, подаряваха ти сто букета.
Хубави-ца и умни-ца и тигри-ца, полудех!
И крали-ца и мръсни-ца и лиси-ца, полудех! (х2)
Тая вечер пак на дискотека и нека да е жега, нека, нека,
яки партита по нощи цели, полудели, мокри изгорели.
Като влезеш в дискотека ума си губят, нека ,нека,
нека да хвърчат сто моета, нека пращат сто букета.
Хубави-ца и умни-ца и тигри-ца, полудех!
И крали-ца и мръсни-ца и лиси-ца, полудех! (х2)
music: Alfred Sula
arrangement: Deyan Asenov
lyrics: Galena, Anastasia Mavrodieva
director: Viktor Antonov - Rikk
creative director: Dobromir Kiryakov
make-up: Kiril Chalakov
hairstylist: Georgi Petkov
photographer: Georgi Malev
graphic designer: Efoff
With the general support of: Сладкарници "Неделя"
►Artist booking: +359 988 987 119
#donika #azis #galena #българия