Na Staroj Adresi by Tragovi
"Na Staroj Adresi" is Croatian song released on 14 September 2019 in the official channel of the record label - "Tragovi Official". Discover exclusive information about "Na Staroj Adresi". Explore Na Staroj Adresi lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Croatian song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Na Staroj Adresi " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Croatia Music Chart , Top 40 Croatian Songs Chart, and more.
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"Na Staroj Adresi" Facts
"Na Staroj Adresi" has reached
457.7K total views,
and 0 dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 11 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Na Staroj Adresi" is "TRAGOVI - NA STAROJ ADRESI (OFFICIAL VIDEO 2019)".
"Na Staroj Adresi" has been published on Youtube at 12/09/2019 16:59:19
"Na Staroj Adresi" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
INSTAGRAM: tragovi_official
Glazba: Denis Dumančić
Tekst: Nenad Ninčević
Aranžman: Igor Ivanović
Directed by: Josip Grizbaher
Dop: Tomislav Šilovinac
Aerial footage: Marko Žuljević
Production: Cinematic Osijek
CAST: Plesni studio ILLUSION Osijek
Glumica: Ana Marija Lendić
Styling: Igor Lukić
Članovi benda:
Mihael Bogčev - vokal
Dario Horvatić - bas gitara
Dejan Petričević - solo gitara
Dominik Šikulec - klavijature
Kristijan Petrikovski - bubnjevi
Posebna zahvala: Davor i Slađana Buntić (vila Biser Dunava), Luka Šoltić i Ivana Škvorc (Roady agencija za najam oldtimer automobila), Klub američkih automobila
;George Hills
Bezveze bi bilo sada
Da srce mi opet strada teško
Hajde se vrati makar i greškom
Pojavi se bilo kada
Iznenada k'o balada uđi
Ne kucaj glasno nismo mi tuđi
Godinama meni fali naših dana
K'o da mi je nova ljubav otkazana
Ako se desi neka to bude
Na staroj adresi, tamo gdje jesi
Podjelimo noć na pola
Usne grizimo do bola strasno
Hajde se vrati nije još kasno
Pojavi se bilo kada
Iznenada k'o balada uđi
Ne kucaj glasno nismo mi tuđi
Godinama meni fali naših dana
K'o da mi je nova ljubav otkazana
Ako se desi neka to bude
Na staroj adresi, tamo gdje jesi
Tragovi - Na staroj adresi (Official video 2019)
©Croatia Records
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