Moja Marina by Jasmin Stavros
"Moja Marina" is Croatian song released on 02 July 2020 in the official channel of the record label - "MENART". Discover exclusive information about "Moja Marina". Explore Moja Marina lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Croatian song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Moja Marina " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Croatia Music Chart , Top 40 Croatian Songs Chart, and more.
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"Moja Marina" Facts
"Moja Marina" has reached
1.5M total views,
and 0 dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 71 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Moja Marina" is "JASMIN STAVROS - MOJA MARINA (OFFICIAL VIDEO 2020©️)".
"Moja Marina" has been published on Youtube at 01/07/2020 13:00:03
"Moja Marina" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
Pjesmu "Moja Marina" Jasmin Stavros predstavit će CMC festivalu
;u Vodicama.
Slušaj na streaming servisima:
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°Publisher - Menart
►Glazba i tekst: Antonija Šola i Sven Gleđa
►Aranžman , mix i mastering: Luppo / Mario Mikšić
►Gitare: Boris Dugi-Novački ( Zamba )
►Prateći vokali: Vladimir Pavelić-Bubi, Antonija Šola
►Režija : Marko Zeljković ( All in one produkcija )
►Koordinacija i organizacija, kreativa: (statisti, make up, hairstyle, rekviziti, sunčane naočale, plesačice, kokteli, fotografije): Antonija Šola
- Make up: Tanja Vale za IBEAUTY STUDIO by IVA BERISIC @ivaberisic
- Frizure: Domagoj Vidaković
- Plesač/glumac: Fabris Radin
- Paolo Batel: statisti/ modeli
- Barmen: Deni Ribarić/Gin: Pink Robin
- Baloni
- Sunčane naočale Livision Optika
Light & stage on studio set :
► Nenad Bravar / Giordano Cellich
Executive producer video i audio 'Moja Marina':
► Ljubo Šeperić
► Bend on stage : Danijela Ana Morić, Ivona Šeperić, Mario Mikšić, Antonija Šola i Ljubo Šeperić
► Lokacija : Hotel & restaurant Velanera Medulin
►PR marketing media: LUPO MUSIC
press clipping
►Digital marketing & IT: Menart
???? E-mail: info@
BOOKING: Lupo Music +385 98 274 162