Stranac Kojeg Znam by Mia
"Stranac Kojeg Znam" is Croatian song released on 20 March 2023 in the official channel of the record label - "Mia Dimsic". Discover exclusive information about "Stranac Kojeg Znam". Explore Stranac Kojeg Znam lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Croatian song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Stranac Kojeg Znam " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Croatia Music Chart , Top 40 Croatian Songs Chart, and more.[Edit Photo]
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"Stranac Kojeg Znam" Facts
"Stranac Kojeg Znam" has reached
183.7K total views,
and dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 7 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Stranac Kojeg Znam" is "MIA – STRANAC KOJEG ZNAM (OFFICIAL VIDEO)".
"Stranac Kojeg Znam" has been published on Youtube at 20/03/2023 20:00:07
"Stranac Kojeg Znam" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
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Booking and management: Damir Bačić
+385 91 508 5848 /
Glazba i tekst: Mia Dimšić / Vjekoslav Dimter / Damir Bačić
Aranžman / produkcija: Ivan Pešut
Snimljeno u tonskom studiju Ivana Pešuta u Rijeci i tonskom studiju "Croatia Records" – Zagreb
Ton majstori: Ivan Pešut, Goran Martinac
;Zagrebački festival
Director: Luka Sepčić
Producer: Laura Pribanić
Production: SESTRICE
DOP: Ante Cvitanović
1st camera assistant and gaffer: Rene Recek
Editing: Valent Balun
Colorist: Luka Sepčić
Styling: Goran Čižmešija
MUA: Ivana Šimunić
Hair: Ivan Pervan
Cast: Filip Vidović
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Na njoj sami ti i ja
budni u sred svitanja
K’o u stihu nekog pjesnika
Kad bi mogla vratit taj dan
mogla vratit taj dan
Ne bi život bio sad stran
Ne bi bio tako stran
Miris ljetne kiše
Čujem kako dišeš
Na mom vratu tvoj je dah
Ničeg nije me strah
Dodir naših tijela
s tobom gorim cijela
još te tu zamišljam
Sad si stranac kog znam
Kog znam
Kapi koje tražim sad
Tad su bile vodopad
Sjećanjima dugo putuju
Neki dani ostanu
bude vječnost pospanu
s druge strane srca čekaju
Kad bi mogla vratit taj dan
mogla vratit taj dan
Ne bi život bio sad stran
Ne bi bio tako stran
Miris ljetne kiše
Čujem kako dišeš
Na mom vratu tvoj je dah