Complicado by Malu Trevejo
"Complicado" is Cuba song released on 22 October 2021 in the official channel of the record label - "Malu Trevejo". Discover exclusive information about "Complicado". Explore Complicado lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Cuba song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Complicado " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Cuba Music Chart , Top 40 Cuba Songs Chart, and more.
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"Complicado" Facts
"Complicado" has reached
22.6M total views,
and 0 dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 162 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Complicado" is "MALÚ TREVEJO - COMPLICADO (FEAT. LUAR LA L) [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]".
"Complicado" has been published on Youtube at 22/10/2021 07:00:07
"Complicado" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
Malú Trevejo - Complicado (
;Luar La L)
"Complicado (
;Luar La L)" out
Directed by Edgar Esteves & Squid
A Blank Square Production
1st AD: Roberto Perez
DP: Chris Cabrera
Edíteles: Joan Pabon
Post Production Company: Digital Sword
Color: Elliott Powell
Video Commissioner: Milly Delamota
Marketing: Brianna Harrison
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Contigo quiero prender (I want to turn on/light up with you)
Cuando me pongo a pensar (When I start thinking)
Baby te quiero ganar (Baby, I want to win you over)
Pero no te dejas ver (But you don’t let yourself be seen)
Tu con ganas de ponermelo (you want to put it on me)
Y yo quiero complacertelo (And I want to please you)
Y sé que podemos hacerle todo (And I know we can do everything)
Pero es complicado (But it’s complicated)
Que soy la difícil, yo se (Because I’m the difficult one, I know)
Pero estoy activa entonces (But I’m active then)
Yo coordino todas las poses (I coordinate all the poses)
Pero siempre hay un pero (But there’s always a but)
Me desespero (Drives me crazy)
Tú sabes lo que quiero (You know what I want)
Si me amaro el pelo (if I tie my hair up)
Pero siempre hay un pero (But there’s always a but)
[Malu Verse]
Cada vez que te llamo (Every time I call you)
Vamos a recoger las cosas donde las dejamos (Let’s pick up things where we left off)
Yo quiero prenderte cuando nos apagamos (I want to turn you on when we turn off)
Y como los filis nos enrolamos (And like the blunts we roll)
Toda mojadita (All wet)
Yo sé lo que a ti te excita (I know what excites you)
Baby no voy a rezarte (Baby, I’m not going to pray to you)
Pero me pongo de rodilla (But I get on my knees)
Que soy la difícil, yo se (Because I’m the difficult one, I know)
Pero estoy activa entonces (But I’m active then)
Yo coordino todas las poses (I coordinate all the poses)
Pero siempre hay un pero (But there’s always a but)
Me desespero (Drives me crazy)
Tú sabes lo que quiero (You know what I want)
Si me amaro el pelo (if I tie my hair up)
Pero siempre hay un pero (But there’s always a but)
[Luar La Lverse]
Pero Es que tengo mujer (buti s that I have a woman)
Y son prohibida las cosas que quiero hacerte (And the things I want to do to you are prohibited)
Vuelvo a misional’ enviame el pin le llego a verte –I go back to missionary (Send me your pin so I can go see you)
Pa’ pecar estoy mala y es que me hago el fuerte (It’s bad tos in but I try to be strong)
Tu me gritas: no le baje nunca, no (You yell: dont stop never, no)
La Soto baby porque se la busca (I give it to her because she looks for it)
Sus stories con mis canciones pa’ que luzca (My songs on her stories so she can show off/shine)
Yo no me escondo, tu me encuentras si me buscas (I don’t hide, you can find me if you look for me)
Asere te cache (Homie I caught you)
Tu eres igual que mi Cubana, te enganche (You’re the same as my Cuban, I hooked you)
Aunque hoy estaba la mía y te piche (Although today my girl was there and I ignored you)
Fue que me engancho una ‘pelcha’ y me embiché, que (is that I got pimped out and arrogant)
[Outro: Luar La L x2]
El fili voy a prender (Going to light the blunt)
Pensando en el ayer (Thinking about the past)
Sin saber si volver (Without knowing if I should go back)
A volverte a ver (To see you again)
No me quiero envolver (I don’t want to get involved)
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#MaluTrevejo #Complicado #LuarLaL