Anoana by Heilung
"Anoana" is Danish song released on 22 June 2022 in the official channel of the record label - "Heilung". Discover exclusive information about "Anoana". Explore Anoana lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Danish song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Anoana " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Denmark Music Chart , Top 40 Danish Songs Chart, and more.
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"Anoana" Facts
"Anoana" has reached
15.4M total views,
and 0 dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 135 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Anoana" is "HEILUNG | ANOANA [OFFICIAL VIDEO]".
"Anoana" has been published on Youtube at 22/06/2022 20:00:11
"Anoana" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
Anoana is the first song from Heilungs 3rd studio album Drif.
Preorder Drif here:
Pre-save Drif here:
Heilung Webshop:
The lyrics for this piece are mainly taken from bracteates: golden, circular coins or amulets found in Northern Europe that date from the 4th to 7th centuries
;They are often fitted with a decorated rim and loop, which indicates that they were meant to be worn and perhaps provide protection, fulfil wishes or for divination.
The bracteates feature a very significant iconography influenced by Roman
;They were predominantly made from Roman gold, which was given to the North Germanic peoples as peace money.
In Anoana, the listener has the chance to delve into a collection of likely encoded spells from the Migration Period and get a touch of magic from the Dark Ages.
The intention of the piece is to playfully reconnect to an incantational language of a period where the North was richer in gold than any other
;Our forefathers presumably enjoyed a time of great prosperity and it may make us rethink how dark these ages really were.
Drif has been mastered significantly lower in volume than most modern releases to achieve a greater dynamic range, deeper lowend, transparent transients and a wider stereo
;If you want it louder, turn up the volume on a proper sound
Film crew:
Production Company: Helmet Films & Visual Effects //IG @helmetfilmsvfx
Director: Line Klungseth Johansen //IG @cutestlittlekittenintheworld
Director of Photography: Øystein Moe
VFX-Supervisor: Alexander Somma //IG @alexandersomma
Coordinator: Gard Svalestuen //IG @gardnicolas
1st AC, Aerial Cinematography: Stian Eriksen ///IG @morrysack
2nd AC, Aerial Cinematography, Editor: Arne Vidar Stoltenberg //IG @rayvanilla
Hermine Rygvold Thorvaldsen
Aina Malvik
Marleen Moll
Daniella Anoana Ervik Mjønes Westre
VFX Artists:
Henrik Dahl //IG @hnrkdhl
Thomas Rønning //IG @reduxen
Markus Dahlstrøm
Scenography: Marita Kristiansen //IG @michipaou
SFX Make-up: Leo Thörn //IG @
Make-up: Magne Mattsson //IG @ettpustilivet
Costume: Amanda Bjørge //IG @
Colorist - Bianca Rudolph, Nordisk Film Shortcut AS
Editor Consultant: Toni Kotka
Assistant Coordinator: Kasia //IG @katsopi
BTS Photography: Aleksandra Suchkova //IG @sandramacadam
Production assistants:
Snorre Ulvåg //IG @snorreulvag
Christian Aakerhus //IG @christianaakerhus
Noah Myren //IG @noahmyren
Jakob Gunby //IG @jakobolopo
Elias Bolme //IG @elias_bolme
Hedin Leinum Parelius
Felix Lianes
Cedrik Friis
Mia Lilleby Hjulstad
Vegard Evjen
Line Klungseth Johansen, Øystein Moe
Thanks to:
Sunniva Ervik Mjønes, Andreas Westre //IG @sunnivaervik
Myskoxcentrum i Härjedalen (att Ida) //IG @myskoxcentrum
Gjørv Gård
Leira kapell
Leif Moe
Roy Tronstad
Namsskogan Familiepark
Jenny Hilmo Teig
Prosjektor Filmproduksjon
Nina Aune
Frich's Hjerkinnhus
Eggan Nedre (att Elin)
Belle Juul: Luna Sitter
Luna: Belle Sitter //IG @lunathetourdog
Tonje Årolilje Størseth Digre
Christofer Adolfsson
Jørgen Antonisen Sognnes
Ørjan Trotland
Magne Heia-Gideonsen
Ove Slgeggmann
Rasmus Saksgård
Leif Erik Solstad
Sondre Jacobsen
Thor Anders Berg
Eva Barck
Natalie Summers
Isskandar Fischer
Ina Viola Mielhe
Veronica Strand
Sølvi Mathisen
Didrik Rossbach
Geir Sagberg
Elsa Margrethe Reppen
Una Isailovic
Martin Damhaug
Per Einar Pettersen
Goran Moen Grendal
Lars Harald Nordgård
Anars Wekland
Special thanks to:
Michael Barbarian and the whole Season of Mist family for believing in this
This video is supported by: CNM France
Anoana is composed, written, created and performed by Kai Uwe Faust, Christopher Juul, Maria Franz and our ancestors.
The song is produced, mixed and mastered by Christopher Juul at Lava Studios Copenhagen
Guest performances by:
Vocals: Annicke Shireen, Emilie Lorentzen, Mira Ceti
Drums and Percussion: Jacob Hee Lund, Nicolas Schipper
Warrior chanting: Ruben Terlouw, Pan Bartkowiak, Marijn Sies, Gwydion Zomer, Isabella Streich, Martin Skou, Samiye van Rossum, Nadia Kalamieiets, Eadweard Boyter, Nina Cornelia Schilp, Mitchell Bosch, Gwydion Zomer and Katalin Papp
Warriors and percussion recorded at Wisseloord Studios by Fieke van den Hurk and Marie de Koning
Heilung is Amplified History from early medieval northern Europe and should not be mistaken for a modern political or religious statement of any kind.
Remember, that we all are brothers
All people, beasts, trees and stone and wind
We all descend from the one great being
That was always there
Before people lived and named it
Before the first seed sprouted