Nganggur 2 by Masdddho
"Nganggur 2" is Indonesian song released on 03 January 2025 in the official channel of the record label - "Masdddho". Discover exclusive information about "Nganggur 2". Explore Nganggur 2 lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Indonesian song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Nganggur 2 " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Indonesia Music Chart , Top 40 Indonesian Songs Chart, and more.
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"Nganggur 2" Facts
"Nganggur 2" has reached
1.2M total views,
and dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 3 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Nganggur 2" is "NGANGGUR 2 - MASDDDHO (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)".
"Nganggur 2" has been published on Youtube at 03/01/2025 13:30:08
"Nganggur 2" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
Assalamu'alaikum lurr ..
Pripun kabare?
mugo mugo sehat sedoyo paringi rejeki ingkang katah berkah ndunyo akherat,
Alhamdulillah telah terselesaikan dengan sempurna Karya Ke - 9 ku, NGANGGUR 2.
Selamat menikmati
Official Music Video by Masdddho #NGANGGUR2
Song title : NGANGGUR 2
Song writer : MASDDDHO
Music & Video By : MD Production
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Bapak Ibuku pengen aku sukses
Minimal aku iso mlebu PNS
Seragaman gagah tenan
Kerjone mboten panasan
Cekelane pulpen
Akeh tunjangan
Konco - koncoku uwes podo kerjo
Sementara aku nganggur karo dungo
Jamane wis jaman maju
Masuk periode baru
Sayang tenan aku rung keduman gawean
Dino-dino mumet rasane dibanding bandingke
Karo anake tanggane
Ono sing dadi dokter, ono sing dadi guru
Wajar yen kecewa karo aku
Reff :
Bapak Ibuk ngapuro anakmu durung kerjo
Durung saget ngangkat derajat keluargo
Mbesuk yen wancine sukses
Wancine mulyo
Tak gemateni wong tuo nomer siji
#officialmusicvideo #masdddho #nganggur2 #nganggur