Memori Baik by Sheila On 7
"Memori Baik" is Indonesian song released on 13 January 2025 in the official channel of the record label - "Sheila on 7 Tv". Discover exclusive information about "Memori Baik". Explore Memori Baik lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Indonesian song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Memori Baik " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Indonesia Music Chart , Top 40 Indonesian Songs Chart, and more.
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"Memori Baik" Facts
"Memori Baik" has reached
2.5M total views,
and dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 5 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Memori Baik" is "SHEILA ON 7 - MEMORI BAIK FEAT. AISHAMEGLIO [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]".
"Memori Baik" has been published on Youtube at 13/01/2025 12:00:06
"Memori Baik" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
Memori Baik (
Executive Produser : 507 Records
Producer : Sheila on 7
Song and Lyric : Eross Candra, Akhdiyat Duta Modjo, Adam Muhammad Subarkah
Additional Musicians
Acoustic Guitars : Elang Nuraga
Keys : Vicki Unggul Bramantyo
Drums : Bounty Ramdhan
Recorded at : Lahaneross Studio (Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Recording Engineer : Vicki Unggul Bramantyo
Mixing & Mastering at : Sony Music Studios (Akasaka, Tokyo, Japan)
Mixing Engineer : Yuta Yoneyama
Mixing Studio Assistant : Yuki Saito, Kasumi Tanaka
Mastering Engineer : Hidekazu Sakai
Music Video Credits
Director : Aco Tenriyagelli
Asistent Director : Bonaventura Radityo
Director of Photography : Arif Bontang
Art Director : Dara Amanda Nasution
Offline Editor : Surya Penny
Online Editor : Krishna Mahaputra
Colorist: Ibnu Fajar | Above Space
MUA & Wardrobe Stylist : Adel Yolanda
Cast : Bintang Emon, Rachel Amanda Aurora, Agnes Naomi Sirait, Tradeto Nurfandiasto, Jordan Omar, Acia Galileo