Menunggu Giliran by For Revenge
"Menunggu Giliran" is Indonesian song released on 19 January 2025 in the official channel of the record label - "FORREVENGEVEVO". Discover exclusive information about "Menunggu Giliran". Explore Menunggu Giliran lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Indonesian song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Menunggu Giliran " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Indonesia Music Chart , Top 40 Indonesian Songs Chart, and more.
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"Menunggu Giliran" Facts
"Menunggu Giliran" has reached
919.7K total views,
and dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 3 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Menunggu Giliran" is "FOR REVENGE - MENUNGGU GILIRAN FT. ELSA JAPASAL (OFFICIAL LYRIC VIDEO)".
"Menunggu Giliran" has been published on Youtube at 18/01/2025 10:00:06
"Menunggu Giliran" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
Official lyric visualizer video for “Menunggu Giliran” with Elsa Japasal
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#forRevenge #MenungguGiliran #lyricvideo #ElsaJapasal #EcaAura
Executive Producer: Muhammad Soufan for Sony Music Entertainment Indonesia
A&R: Keke Kananta
Performed by for Revenge, Elsa Japasal
Composed by Moch Boniex Nurwega, Arief Ismail
Guitar Acoustic by Austin Ong
Piano by Klency Lyman Lembono
Strings Arranged by Nicolas Antonius
Violin 1 by Mario Lasar
Violin 2 by Rama
Viola by Adi
Cello by Dhani
Backing Vocal by Kamga & Odelia Sabrina
Vocal Director by Kamga
Vocal Edited by Jeremy Aditya
Vocal Recorded at Sony Music Studios Indonesia by Yusup Albantani
Strings Recorded at Ebony Ivory Studio by Sinyo Drumboy
Mixed and Mastered by Dimas Pradipta at Sum It! Studio
Dolby Atmos by Edward Christanto
Published by PT Sony Music Publishing Indonesia
Lyrics for Revenge – Menunggu Giliran
Tak apa jengah dengan derita
Lelah kau bertanya, harus apa
Terlalu kecewa sampai kau hampir gila
Tak apa kali ini merendah
Seberantakan itu dibuatnya
Terlalu marah sampai kau lupa arah
Yang termuliakan
Bagi yang bertahan
Dan yang terpulihkan
Menunggu giliran
Arah pulangmu
Ajal menuju
Jika kau tak lagi percaya
Yang termuliakan
Bagi yang bertahan
Dan yang terpulihkan
Menunggu giliran
Arah pulangmu
Ajal menuju
Jika kau tak lagi percaya
Arah pulangmu
Ajal menuju
Jika kau tak lagi percaya
Jika kau tak lagi bernyawa