Vlado Janevski's Most Popular Songs Chart
Vlado Janevski is a famous Macedonian musician/band. Find the best performed Vlado Janevski's songs, sorted by achieved amount of song impressions. How these music videos have been ranked on charts? Discover charts based on the most viewed/streamed songs by Vlado Janevski. Top 100 Macedonian Songs.
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Vlado Janevski's Most Popular Songs
The most popular Vlado Janevski's song is "Glaven Grad Na Tagata" . The song has been published on 06/07/2018. The highest achieved chart position has been reached by "Glaven Grad Na Tagata". "Glaven Grad Na Tagata" has gained the number 25 as the best result in the weekly music chart - Macedonian Top 40 Top Chart and spent 43 weeks on the listing. Originally, "Glaven Grad Na Tagata"'s title is "VLADO JANEVSKI - GLAVEN GRAD NA TAGATA OFFICIAL VIDEO SUPPORTED BY VITAMINKA PRILEP 2018". "Glaven Grad Na Tagata" has accumulated 247.9K total views, 848 likes, and 0 dislikes on YouTube since the premiere day (06 July 2018).