Bez Tebe Ne Me Biva by Vlado Janevski
"Bez Tebe Ne Me Biva" is Macedonian song released on 06 May 2021 in the official channel of the record label - "Vlado Janevski Official". Discover exclusive information about "Bez Tebe Ne Me Biva". Explore Bez Tebe Ne Me Biva lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Macedonian song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Bez Tebe Ne Me Biva " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 North Macedonia Music Chart , Top 40 Macedonian Songs Chart, and more.
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"Bez Tebe Ne Me Biva" Facts
"Bez Tebe Ne Me Biva" has reached
115.6K total views,
and 0 dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 37 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Bez Tebe Ne Me Biva" is "VLADO JANEVSKI - BEZ TEBE NE ME BIVA (OFFICIAL VIDEO HD) 2021".
"Bez Tebe Ne Me Biva" has been published on Youtube at 06/05/2021 01:31:47
"Bez Tebe Ne Me Biva" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
⭐️Muzika i tekst:
⭐️Aranžman i produkcija:
;Bratoš⭐️Snimano vo: NB Studio - Zagreb i Enterprajz - Skopje (
Video produkcija: Tomato
Podržano od: VITAMINKA - Prilep
Da te sretnam slučajno i sakam i nekjam
Ti mi budiš stari spomeni i novi jadovi
Sekade si so nego, blikaš od srekja
a jas se raspagjam po site šavovi
Zar e važno koje kriv i koj kade zgrešil?
Nešto skapo izgubiv, ne znaev da sočuvam
Kade odi ljubovta za da se teši
i pak od pusta želba da se nadeva?
Koga te gledam kako go gledaš - togaš pijam
a štom se setam deka beše moja - umiram
Ti bidi srekjna, za mojva taga ne si kriva
bez tebe, dušo, mene ednostavno ne me biva
Čovekot za život cel dve ljubovi ima
ednata e do nego, a druga mu e sudbina
Ova telo gladno e i duša žedna
samo po tebe i po druga niedna
Koga te gledam kako go gledaš - togaš pijam
a štom se setam deka beše moja - umiram
Ti bidi srekna, za mojva taga ne si kriva
bez tebe, dušo, mene ednostavno ne me biva