Da Se Opet Rodim by Ivana Selakov , Mirza Selimovic
"Da Se Opet Rodim" is Serbian song released on 31 August 2017 in the official channel of the record label - "IvanaSelakovVIPPER". Discover exclusive information about "Da Se Opet Rodim". Explore Da Se Opet Rodim lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Serbian song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Da Se Opet Rodim " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Serbia Music Chart , Top 40 Serbian Songs Chart, and more.
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"Da Se Opet Rodim" Facts
"Da Se Opet Rodim" has reached
68M total views,
and 0 dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 339 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Da Se Opet Rodim" is "IVANA SELAKOV I MIRZA SELIMOVIC - DA SE OPET RODIM - ( OFFICIAL VIDEO 2017 ) 4K".
"Da Se Opet Rodim" has been published on Youtube at 30/08/2017 21:50:19
"Da Se Opet Rodim" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
Label and copyright: Grand Production & Ivana Selakov
Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale!
Music: Pera Stokanovic
Lyrics: Pera Stokanovic
Arr: Vladan Popovic Pop i Marko Milatovic
Mix: Vladan Popovic Pop i Marko Milatovic
Mastering: Vladan Popovic Pop
Usnimavanje vokala: Alek Aleksov
Klarinet: Eljez Sabani
Gitare: Petar Trumbetas i Marko Milatovic
Bas gitara: Dejan Antovic
Bubanj i perkusije: Vladan Popovic Pop
Klavijature i programing: Marko Milatovic
Prateci vokali: Daria Hodnik-Marinkovic, Ivana Selakov i Vladan Popovic Pop
Izvrsni producent: Predrag Mirkovic prmirkovic@
Video production: Video produkcija Arandjelovac
FLY media Beograd
DoP: Aleksandar Mihailovic
Rezija: Goran Avramovic
Snimatelj: Bogdan Kalusevic
Rasveta: Goran Avramovic
Montaza i kolor: Aleksandar Mihailovic
Bend: Bubanj - Alen Hruskar, Gitara - Aleksandar Zivkovic, Bas gitara - Dusan Zdravkovic, Klavijatura - Srdjan Petrovic, Klarinet - Bojan Dervisevic
Mlada - Ivana Ignjatovic Njanja
Mladozenja - Vladan Miljkovic
Kuma - Branka Kozomora
Kum - Milan Rakic
Maticarka - Lola Cvijovic Randjelovic
Deca - Zvezdana Zlatanovic i Andrej-Luka Josic
Svatovi - Djaci skole pevanja Ivane Selakov i Muzickog centra Piccolo kao i nasi prijatelji - Jelena Popovic, Igor Mitrovic, Suzana Mitrovic, Filip Miseljic, Andjela Miseljic, Andrijana Cvetkovic, Dragan Resanovic, Nemanja Krivokapic, Nemanja Tomic, Dragana Crnkovic, Jelena Djurkovic, Branka Milanovic, Goran Djukic, Marija Kekic, Stanko Josic, Sladjana Josic, Nastasja Randjelovic, Zoran Randjelovic, Viktor Randjelovic, Sanja Jesic, Goran Bulatovic, Milan Stojic, Jovan Markovic.
Makeup - Natasa Miljkovic, Katarina Djurovka, Slobodanka Perkovic
Hair - Dragana Nikolic za Hair and Makeup Team Beograd
Ivana haljine - Iv Ice i BI dress me Beograd
Vencanica - Adora vencanice Beograd
Lokacija - Etno naselje Vrdnicka kula
Prijatelj spota - Premier aqua hotel
Specijalna zahvalnost Port by community Beograd
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