Ne Dam Krevet by Milica Pavlovic
"Ne Dam Krevet" is Serbian song released on 15 April 2022 in the official channel of the record label - "Senorita Music". Discover exclusive information about "Ne Dam Krevet". Explore Ne Dam Krevet lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Serbian song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Ne Dam Krevet " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Serbia Music Chart , Top 40 Serbian Songs Chart, and more.
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"Ne Dam Krevet" Facts
"Ne Dam Krevet" has reached
1.5M total views,
and 0 dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 12 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Ne Dam Krevet" is "MILICA PAVLOVIC - NE DAM KREVET (OFFICIAL VIDEO)".
"Ne Dam Krevet" has been published on Youtube at 11/04/2022 23:21:04
"Ne Dam Krevet" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
#MilicaPavlovic #Posesivna #NeDamKrevet
Label & copyright: Senorita Music, ℗ & ©
;All rights reserved.
‘POSESIVNA’ je četvrti studijski album Milice Pavlović - i prvenac njene produkcijske kuće ‘Senorita Music’. Ovaj album je kolekcija melodičnih pop numera koju prate spektakularno isproducirani scenski performansi zbog kojih je pevačica poznata na Balkanu.
Treći performans na albumu, pod nazivom ‘Ne dam krevet’ simbolično prikazuje živi (emocionalni) zid oko Milice i njenog
;Pesmu potpisuje najpoznatiji grčki kompozitor Phoebus, koji na srpskoj muzičkoj sceni komponuje originalnu muziku isključivo za Milicu Pavlović i ovaj tandem je uvek dobitna kombinacija.
Prijatelj albuma Telekom Srbija |
Booking & info: +381 64 685 53 03 Marko Maksimović
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► Muzika: Evangelos Tassopoulos Phoebus
► Tekst: Ljiljana Jorgovanović
► Aranžman: Evangelos Tassopoulos Phoebus, Bojan Vasić
Prateći Vokali: Suzana Branković
Mix: Atelje Trag
Mastering: Lazar Milić
Snimano u studiju Atelje Trag
Choreography: Helen Janjušević
Dance crew: Stjepan Cutvarić, Diego Siqueira, Luciano Plazibat, Antonio Knežević,
Creative director: Jasmin Đenčić
Director: Miloš Sarović
Production: NN media
Backdrop artist: Saška Karać
Costume designer: Stefan Golubović
Styling: Stefan Orlić
Makeup and hairstyle: Studio Extensions, Djuka Ivanović, Brana Kostić, Irena Miletić
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