Bežim by Neisha
"Bežim" is Slovenian song released on 30 September 2017 in the official channel of the record label - "neishatube". Discover exclusive information about "Bežim". Explore Bežim lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Slovenian song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Bežim " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Slovenia Music Chart , Top 40 Slovenian Songs Chart, and more.
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"Bežim" Facts
"Bežim" has reached
242.9K total views,
and 0 dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 19 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Bežim" is "NEISHA - BEŽIM (OFFICIAL VIDEO)".
"Bežim" has been published on Youtube at 29/09/2017 10:17:27
"Bežim" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
Glasba (music): Neisha
Besedilo (lyrics): Jernej Dirnbek
Director&DoP: Marko Maag
Production: MaaG
Camera: Brane Lobnik
Styling: Neisha, Terminal3, Urša Zrnec
Hair: Anita Lončar-Caracthair
Make up: Nina Vesenjak
Galerija okusov
Izpraznjena kozarca
Ugaša plamen v temi
Še zmeraj ne dojamem
Ne verjamem, da te ni
A čas pa teče in misli nemirno beže
Le kje si zdaj, da vzameš me v roke
Ko bi me videl, da drhtim
Ko bi me videl, da gorim
Ko bi me pustil, da zbežim
Stokrat si dejal mi
Stokrat pravil, da boš moj le
Da boš kmalu pustil vse
Dihal in gorel z menoj le
Verjela sem, da ti pomenim vse
In kje si zdaj, da vzameš me v roke
Ko bi me videl, da drhtim
Ko bi me videl, da gorim
Ko bi me pustil, da zbežim
Ko bi me videl, da drhtim
Ko bi me videl, da gorim
Ko bi me pustil, da zbežim
Kozarec za noči polne življenja
Kozarec za vse vzdihe hrepenenja
Kozarec za tvoj čas
Za pramen dolgih las
Zato, da še nocoj zagledam tvoj obraz
Ko bi me videl, da drhtim
Ko bi me videl, da gorim
Ko bi me pustil, da zbežim
Ko bi me videl, da drhtim
Ko bi me videl, da gorim
Ko bi me pustil, da zbežim
Izpraznjena kozarca
Ugaša plamen v temi
Še zmeraj ne dojamem
Ne verjamem, da te ni