Swiss Hot 100 Songs Chart , 01/12/2021
The Swiss Hot 100 Songs music chart is compiled and based on the most popular songs released within the last 365 days for 01/12/2021. It is a daily chart release. Discover the hottest top 100 entries of Switzerland. The best Swiss songs on 01 December 2021. Swiss Hot 100 Songs Chart lists the best performed music videos measured on a daily basis. Explore the most streamed and viewed singles from Switzerland. These are the well-trending Swiss releases for 01 December 2021. Find regional songs sung in German, French, Italian. Hot 100 Switzerland Songs Chart is related to "" topics.- CH #1 new
- Raf Camora
- 2Cb
- 1 days on
- # - was last day
- # 1 is the peak
- CH #2 new
- Raf Camora & Juju
- Wenn Du Mich Siehst
- 1 days on
- # - was last day
- # 2 is the peak
- CH #3 new
- Raf Camora
- Guapa
- 1 days on
- # - was last day
- # 3 is the peak
- CH #5 new
- Blacci
- Nada Com Ele
- 1 days on
- # - was last day
- # 5 is the peak
- CH #8 new
- Fäaschtbänkler
- Humpa Humpa
- 1 days on
- # - was last day
- # 8 is the peak
- CH #9 new
- Gjon's Tears
- Tout L’univers
- 1 days on
- # - was last day
- # 9 is the peak
- CH #10 new
- Arma Jackson
- Distance
- 1 days on
- # - was last day
- # 10 is the peak
- CH #12 new
- Ladyva
- Ladyva's Stomp
- 1 days on
- # - was last day
- # 12 is the peak
- CH #13 new
- Mike Candys
- Darkness
- 1 days on
- # - was last day
- # 13 is the peak
- CH #15 new
- Rob Gasser & Sekai
- Mistakes
- 1 days on
- # - was last day
- # 15 is the peak
- CH #18 new
- Beatrice Egli
- Alles Was Du Brauchst
- 1 days on
- # - was last day
- # 18 is the peak
- CH #19 new
- Kadebostany & Valeria Stoica
- Wild In Secret
- 1 days on
- # - was last day
- # 19 is the peak
- CH #20 new
- Blaze
- Money Move
- 1 days on
- # - was last day
- # 20 is the peak
- CH #21 new
- Vincent Gross
- Wo Die Liebe Wohnt
- 1 days on
- # - was last day
- # 21 is the peak
- CH #22 new
- Beatrice Egli
- Samstagnacht
- 1 days on
- # - was last day
- # 22 is the peak
- CH #23 new
- Fäaschtbänkler
- Nur Für Dich
- 1 days on
- # - was last day
- # 23 is the peak
- CH #25 new
- Anna Rossinelli
- Somebody Like You
- 1 days on
- # - was last day
- # 25 is the peak