Wach Dayem by Didine Canon 16
"Wach Dayem" is Algerian song released on 20 October 2023 in the official channel of the record label - "Didine Canon 16 Officiel". Discover exclusive information about "Wach Dayem". Explore Wach Dayem lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Algerian song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Wach Dayem " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 Algeria Music Chart , Top 40 Algerian Songs Chart, and more.
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"Wach Dayem" Facts
"Wach Dayem" has reached
36.6M total views,
and dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 70 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Wach Dayem" is "DIDINE CANON 16 - WACH DAYEM (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)".
"Wach Dayem" has been published on Youtube at 20/10/2023 17:59:59
"Wach Dayem" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
Mixmaster by : Youssef Djerbir
Beat : kvm3lll
Digital Distribution : @
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9oli wech dayem
Ghir malakout khala9 el koun fi chiyou 9ayem
T3ishha ma3doum sahbi lafric tfech rkayeb
Fen el mat9un hem masdjoun taghi w tayeb
Alah yarham li ghayeb
9oli win ghayes hachwa ki djik darba tsa7ik
T9arik 3fayes
Nti ta3 politique tasalhi le Nik chkoun daltou le payes
Nti kolshi fik djayez
Zahro ma9bor comme ça win yadrab dji 3aksa
Had el 3ana djasa ghir fel 9il wel 9al 3asa
Zahri ma9bor comme ça karhtini f ga3 nsa
E3asou fi sogi hadou keli salou fina
Habouna fi tiha choufouna flahbas
ستأتي الرياح بما تشتهي السفينة تايه و دايخ سلامت
Fla3ttaya andek parcour medalaiya
Hadou ihabou tch9af w 3onsoriya
Ya7zef kitouri f lahmak sanfouniya
Mc tram king chiraz el 3anabiya
Rahdj 9albi be smoum w dlamt w kont ana li madlom halt li b kamel ou mahko
Khabat w mazlni maghmoum
Rohi tayra fel koun
Tara9 bab me sahra le ndjoum
Zman la7did li bchiyou ma9youm
salem zahi machi mach oum
No love 9aha b sak no love
No love 9alb black black no love
No love ka na7wi siwak no love
9oli wach dayem
Ghir makaout khal9 koun fi chiyou 9aym
T3ish ma3doum sahbi lafrik tfechl trkayeb
Fen mat9on hem el masdjoun taghi w tayeb
Alah yarhm el ghayb
9oli win ghays el hachwa ki djik darbak tssa7ik
t9arik 3fays
Nti ta3 politik taslhi le nik chkoun daltou li payss
Nti kolshi fik djayz
©℗ 2023
;(au nom de didine Canon 16)
All rights reserved