Walking By The World by Yisa Yu
"Walking By The World" is Chinese song released on 29 March 2019 in the official channel of the record label - "華研國際". Discover exclusive information about "Walking By The World". Explore Walking By The World lyrics, translations, and song facts. Earnings and Net Worth accumulated by sponsorships and other sources according to information found in the internet. How many times the Chinese song appeared in music charts compiled by Popnable? "Walking By The World " is well-known music video that took placements in popular top charts, such as Top 100 China Music Chart , Top 40 Chinese Songs Chart, and more.[Edit Photo]
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"Walking By The World" Facts
"Walking By The World" has reached
63.8M total views,
and 0 dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on
and spent 297 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Walking By The World" is "郁可唯 YISA YU [ 路過人間 WALKING BY THE WORLD ] OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO(電視劇《我們與惡的距離》插曲)".
"Walking By The World" has been published on Youtube at 28/03/2019 04:00:00
"Walking By The World" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
郁可唯 路過人間
–格雷安.葛林Graham Greene
嘿 意不意外 她背影 那麼輕快
嘿 要明白 人會來 就會離開
世上唯一不變 是人都善變
路過人間 愛都有期限
天可憐見 心碎在所難免
以為痛過幾回 多了些修煉
路過人間 就懂得防衛
說來慚愧 人只要有機會 就又淪陷
嘿 別再猜 她可曾 想過回來
嘿 醒過來 你很好 她也不壞
快快抹乾眼淚 看曇花多美
路過人間 無非一瞬間
每段並肩 都不過是擦肩
曾經辜負哪位 這才被虧欠
路過人間 一直這輪迴
幸運一點 也許最後和誰 都不相欠
Ha A~~Ha A~~
人對愛和永遠 應該有幻覺
路過人間 也才幾十年
卻為了愛 勇於蹉跎歲月
相遇離別 貪瞋愛痴怨
路過人間 就忙著這些
誰有意見 莫非是心裡面 渺無人煙
無人可戀 來這人間 有多浪費
作曲Composed by:張簡君偉 Alex Chang Jien
作詞Lyrics by:施人誠 Derek Shih
Alex Chang Jien
配唱製作人Vocal Producer:馬毓芬 Paula Ma
和聲/和聲編寫Backing Vocals/ Arrangement:馬毓芬Paula Ma
吉他Guitar /貝斯Bass:JerryC
錄音師 Recording Engineer:馬丁 Martin Lin
錄音助理Recording Assistant:歐曜寬 Kuan Ou
錄音室Recording HIM Recording Studio
混音師Mixing Engineer:楊大緯 Dave Yang
混音錄音室Mixing Studio:楊大緯錄音室 Dave Yang Recording Studio
OP: HIM Music Publishing Inc.