The Greatest Music Collaborations Of All Time
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Wednesday, 27/03/2019,
Great minds turn out great music when they work in isolation, but when two or more minds decide to put head together to come up with amazing songs that have both made our youthful days a memorable one and the present days an interesting one.
This doesn’t mean that the world is not filled (or should I say littered) the world with average to awful collaborations. Due to popular demand, we’ve come up with some amazing collaborations that would go down in history as some of the greatest of all time.
In our opinion, these stars have released hits that have graced the music charts over time. So, what are these collaborations?
• The River by Good Charlotte and Avenged Sevenfold
Yep! First on our list is the Good Charlotte and Avenged Sevenfold with the song titled ‘The River’. On Good charlotte’s 2007 album ‘Good Morning Revival’, they decided to go a different direction with their song by coming up with something that feels different compared to their ‘regular’ pop-punk songs. The song ‘The River’ was the band’s first single from the LP, features ideas from Synyster Gates of Avenged Sevenfold and M Shadows. What stood this song out and ultimately making it stick (in our memory) was due to how we were able to relate easily with it. We all (at least most of us) connected with the fans. No wonder the song later landed at number 25 on the hot 100, though it could have done better.
• Summertime by George and Ira Gershwin.
This was George’s way to create his own African-American spiritual number for the 1935’s ‘Porgy and Bess’ which was based on Heyward’s novel. This might sound unfair, but we’d still credit Gershwins for this jazz standard as “Porgy” author Dubose Heyward supplied the lyrics, George Gershwin on the other hand composed the song. The song “Summertime” has proven to be one of the best songs of all time and without a doubt is a timeless piece. In fact, according to the New York Times, over 25 000 recordings of the song still exist.
• While My Guitar Gently Weeps by The Beatles featuring Eric Clapton
This song got me shaking my feet right now. George Harrison wrote "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" at his mother's house in Warrington, England. "We tried to record it, but Paul and John were so used to just cranking out their tunes that it was very difficult at times to get serious and record one of mine," Harrison said in 1995. "It just wasn't happening . . . The next day I was driving into London with Eric Clapton and I said, 'What are you doing today? Why don't you come into the studio and play on this song for me? He said, 'Oh, no – I can't do that. Nobody's ever played on a Beatles record and the others wouldn't like it.' I said, 'Look, it's my song and I'd like you to play on it.'"
• Dancing in the Street by David Bowie and Mick Jagger.
Both are amazing artists but when you bring two great minds such as David Bowie and Mick Jagger together, what else do you expect? But this wasn’t always the case. Both David Bowie and Mick Jagger once struggled with their careers during the late 80s. In the early part of 1985, Mick Jagger released his solo debut ‘She’s the Boss’ which was commercially terrible (Apparently, the song wasn’t bossy enough). But this was terrible underwhelming follow – up to 1983 Let’s Dance. When David Bowie and Mick Jagger met up, they both agreed to perform live at the Live Aid during that summer. At first, they both wanted to perform Martha and Vandellas classic, but as a video duet across the Atlantic Ocean. This didn’t finally happen, no thanks to the half – second satellite delay which made that performance impossible.
• The Velvet Underground and Nico by The Velvet Underground and Nico.
“The Velvet Underground and Nico” is undoubtedly one of the most successful and influential albums of all time. it was ignored upon its release. The album was later understood and appreciated, ten years down the line. Remember Andy Warhol? He designed the famous banana cover, he was also the agent and producer and agent for the essentially pressured the band into working with German vocalist Nico for their self-titled debut. What made this album a failure? One factor that led to the failure of the collaboration and the dissolution of the velvets could be the inclusion of prostitution, drug use, sadomasochism, among other topics which was then seen as a “taboo”. All of these inclusions made the album a commercial failure. But half a century down the line, and the album is now considered as one of the greatest of all time (totally worth it).
• Stop dragging my heart around by Tom Petty and Stevie Nicks.
According to Tom Petty, he wrote this song as a solo song, but at that point, her producer was working with Stevie Nicks (which obviously made their collaboration inevitable). Jimmy then talked Petty into allowing her to jump on the song. She then released the song as the first single from her 1981 debut solo LP Bella Donna, and in no time jumped to Number three on the Hot 100 which firmly established Nick’s career outside the spheres of Fleetwood Mac. The song was later revived in 2006 when both Nick and Petty both went on a tour.
• One sweet day by Boys II Men and Mariah Carey.
The final collaboration on our list is that of Boys II Men and Mariah Carey. Many music lovers think this song is the greatest collaboration of all time. As we’ve said earlier, this is more of an opinion rather than using a particular fact. The song “One Sweet Day” held the Number One spot for 16 weeks (amazing right).
These are some of the greatest collaborations of all time, would be interesting to know what you think. Which collaboration/duet is your own greatest of all time?
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